Responce to JungJoo Yoon
Thanks for your throughtful post JungJoo. I found it was thought provoking and well writen.
I appreciate that you said that you expect your Digital Visitor and Resident Map to change and evolve as you do. I have watched my map change and grow to adapt to my needs and wants over the years. Given that this organic evolution of our digital identity is inescapable I think it is important to be mindful of people we portray ourselves as. Moreover, we should always be mindful of the values, ideologies, and messages we are leaving behind as our personal digital foodprint will follow us. I like how you mentioned mindfully building one’s online identity. It really is imperative to ensure that we are building a digital identity and a network that opens doors and remains dynamic and fluid as apposed to closes doors and prohibits growth.
Responce to Makenna Copley
I found that Makenna’s section about Personalized Learning mirrors my own thoughts and feelings about Self-Directed and Constructionist learning pathways. Having worked with at-risk youth since 2007 I know first hand how remarkable and intelligent they are. They are every bit as capable however rigid learning environments and requirements alienate them. The freedom provided by personalized learning is a gamechanger for everyone especially the at-risk neurodivergent youth I work with. Just as Makenna feels empowered by this type of learning environment, at-risk youth do as well. This is a profound feeling for some of them as they have spent most of their lives living with the consequences of others choices. Having the ability to decided for themselves and having a trusted adult believe that they are able to create, move through, and successfully complete these learning tasks has the potential to fill them with confidence and agency that they have never experienced before.
Thanks for sharing Makenna!
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