Personal Learning Network (PLN) Spaces Through Social Media
Definition: a PLN is a dynamic system of interpersonal connections made and sustained via social media that supports your personal and professional growth.
My PLN started to develop organically without any real thought on design or goals. Having completed the last few modules of this course I have begun to move forward in a much more purposeful and critical way. I have begun to make connections that serve my current and future level of abilities and I am already experiencing the benefits of being more mindful of the creation of my PLN. Two of my daughters have inquired about joining extra curricular activities that I know very little about. In order to maintain my connection with them I decided that I can learn along with them. I have been active on Reddit and found both a drumming subreddit and a robotics subreddit. Each community has its own identity which aids in members sense of belonging, like we read last week. I think the biggest benefit for me so far is that I am starting to understand the slang that is embedded in both groups as part of their connection and community building. Now when I’m talking to my kids they don’t need to stop and tell me what “808 kick drum” means or what “manipulator” means.
Privacy, Ethics, and Security in Digital Spaces
To keep my digital space safe I
- I keep my passwords and settings current.
- I share only information that I am comfortable sharing publicly.
- I am mindful that the online spaces I am entering are public spaces. If I am entering a personal or professional space I am cognisant that this space is public and I must act as I would if it were and in person.

Ethically, I think it is important understanding that the natural evolution of my digital identity may lag behind societal evolutions of “right” and wrong”. Knowing this it is important for me to balance remaining curious with utilizing my power to amplify the voices of those who have less power. This comes with risks but is ethically important to me. Check out this video about the intersection of technology and changing values.
Inclusivity and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in PLNs
Definition: UDL is “a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn”

Having had the privilege of working within section 23 classrooms at through the YRDSB has afforded me the opportunity to work with incredible teachers who have been adopting ULD principals, possibly without even knowing it. Each student enters at their own education level that does not necessarily correspond with their age. They have their own skills, needs, values, and personality that these teachers use to ensure the students success. While each student comes with their own IEP, I watch these teachers cater to the individuality of each student to adapt assignments, timelines, resources, presentations, and expectations to ensure that each student has learnt the information but more importantly has utilized their agency to accomplish. It is very exciting for me to hear how these strategies are now empirically sound and becoming universally practiced.

This article is on the Curb Cut Effect. Basically, this is the “Is the phenomenon of disability-friendly features being used and appreciated by a larger group than the people they were designed for.” This is what inclusivity and UDL is offering to “ALL kids, not just THOSE kids” as Shelley Moore, and Leyton Schnellert wrote in One Without the Other: Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion.
Challenges and Importance of Diversity in Digital Learning
While the Curb Cut Effect article above outlines some of the benefits of diverse representation, I think the biggest benefit of diversity is Innovation. I will only ever be able to offer my own perspective, meaning, and point of view. When we (systems, the digital landscape, teachers, employers etcetera) create systems that enable multiple perspectives we allow for a truly dynamic and engaging way to problem solve, enhance, and create. In the video to the left, Gina Metallic describes that within her Mi’gmaq community the members of the Two-Spirit community “stood next two the warriors”. My understanding is that these members offered a unique perspective, that only they could offer, and as such they were valued as apposed to othered. What a beautify concept, instead of marginalizing, valuing.

The Netflix show Untold has an episode called The Race of the Century. This episode is about a man named Ben Lexcen. Ben never fit into school and left at the age of 14. He spent hours watching birds and fish at the local Mariena. Ben, despite never fitting into the rigid school requirements invented the winged keel design that revolutionized the sailing industry. This is the type of innovation that education should be cultivating and encouraging. If Ben had access to the digital advances that are offered today along with UDL practice maybe he would have offered more innovation.
To minimize the barriers to digital diversity we must
- Provide diverse digital learning materials
- Create safe learning environments
- Create learning environments that reflect diversity
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