Photo by Warren Umoh on Unsplash

Digital Identity: Personal vs. Professional

Definition: Digital identity refers to who you are online, it is your internet footprint.

One can have both a personal and professional digital identity and your particular footprint can both work for you or against you depending on how you are perceived by those engaging with your content.

There are several ways to maintain a clear separation between personal and professional identities

Photo by Ilze Lucero on Unsplash
  • Consider your message/image before posting.
  • Consider your audience before posting.
  • Maintain your digital spaces.
  • Decide which people should have access to one or both spaces.
  • Maintain your privacy and user settings.

While cancel culture is an incredibly old concept, we have entered an age of almost constant surveillance and this comes with risks and benefits. Having found ourselves deeply in a new breed of cancel culture it is important to remember that despite best efforts and boundary implementation one can quickly find themselves reaping professional consequences for personal interactions that do not reflect the values of their workplace. For this reason, I tent to error on the side of less is more when it comes to my personal online identity. Click here for a Brief History of Cancel Culture.

Privacy, Surveillance, and Digital Footprint Awareness

I found reading Ethical Challenges of Edtech, Big Data and Personalzied Learing really interesting given the current landscape of data in my spicific area. In early January, PowerSchool (a company named in this article) was hacked and data for several districts in Canada and The U.S was comprimised. My partner, my four children, and I have all had our data comprimised. It left me with a host of questions.

  • How much data do they need?
  • What kinds of data do they need?
  • How much is too much?
  • Who has access and for what?
  • How long is this data stored?
  • Do they need to store all the data?
Here is a brief video on the most recent PowerSchool Hack that affected several districts in Canada and The U.S.

Digital Visitor and Resident Map

Definition: The visitor resident map is a dynamic tool used to help one understand their personal digital footprint. When you are accessing the internet to complete a goal and you leave little evidence that you were there, you are classified as a visitor. When accessing the internet and interacting in such a way that information is left behind (leaving comments or posting pictures) you are classified as a resident.

After completing the map, I realized that I am not making good use of a lot of the resources I have at my disposal. My current digital identity is predominantly that of a voyeur and in accessing my resources in this way I am limiting their potential.

Definition: Learning Literacy – the ability to critically and meaningfully engage with Net resources

Interesting to think that had I competed my Digital Visitor and Resident Map prior to beginning my tenure at UVic it would have looked very different. Engaging in digital technology has vastly improved my learning literacy, and as I become more competent, I am willing and able to continue to engage with these technologies to further extend my learning literacy.   

Theories of Personalized Learning

Definition: A teaching model that is that tailors the modes of education to each individual child.

As a child and youth counselor I have worked with at risk youth in both element schools and highs schools. Recently I have seen a shift the understanding of the term neurodivergent. Where as in the past a student that was neurodivergent was thought to have brain functioning that outside of “typical” functioning, now educators and professionals are recognising that every human is neurodivergent. That is to say that each individual has their own unique way of intaking and manipulating information. Due to technology, there has been a shift towards personalized learning for all students making a more inclusive environment for youth and adults.