1. Response to Saksham

Saksham’s section on Navigating Privacy and Ethics in Digital Spaces resonated with me. Saksham outlined that they ensure

  • Propper attribution when sharing content created by another.
  • Fact checking information before sharing.
  • Upholding professional boundaries.

Saksham noted that this was ethically sound practice while engaging online. I would add that it is simply proper etiquette as well. As we move so quickly through new and creative ways to engage, connect, and learn via technology the rules, laws, and boundaries seem to be blurry and take time to catch up. Having guiding principals like Saksham’s is an excellent strategy to ensure that you are engaging with technology in a way that propels you growth while ensuring that you are not oppressing others.  

2. Response to Ahyun

Ahyun’s section on Challenges and Importance of Diversity in Digital Learning was thought provoking for me. I enjoyed reading the article she linked The Impact of Subtitles on Video Accessibility and Inclusivity. The article outlines how a host of marginalized communities benefit from subtitles. I think when we take the UDL perspective we can take this concept even further. Including subtitles will not only aid neurodivergent communities they will also aid in the learning of the neurotypical community. By adhering to content accessibility best practices ALL populations can benefit. Here is an article from World Literacy Foundation called Turn on the Subtitles. It outlines how subtitles enhance literacy in those learning to read, articulating that inclusivity is best practice for everyone.

3. Response to Valen

Valen’s section on PLN Spaces Through Social Media taught me a lot about a platform I have never heard of before, bilbili. I found the idea of Danmaku (made popular by bilbili) or bullet comments particularly interesting. Danmaku is new to me as I haven’t engaged with platforms that use Danmaku or with the platforms that do use it, I do not engage with that particular type of content. When considering building a PLN, Danmaku seems like it would be an invaluable resource. Having the ability to bullet comment and especially bullet chat with others exponentially enhances one’s ability to learn and grow in real time aided by real people. Valen’s post highlights the benefits of UDL but most importantly the benefits of diversity and inclusivity. Having Valen as part of my learning community taught me about Danmaku via bilbili. These are two things I would never have had access to without Valen and I wouldn’t have even known to look. I am grateful to be able to learn from Valen and appreciate them